Robotic palletizing and manipulation
Robotic palletizers are used to place individual packages (boxes, bags, canisters, pails and barrels) on pallets or halfpallets.

- Infeed conveyor for palletized items (boxes, bags, canisters etc.)
- Preparation table to orientate the packages or to prepare the group of packages
- Palletizing robot with accessories and base
- Mechanical, vacuum or other types of gripper
- Palletizing position
- Safety guards with locks and light curtains
- Central ellectrical cabinet with PLC Siemes controller

- Infeed and outfeed pallet conveyors
- Automatic pallet destacker
- Pads inserting unit by the same or auxiliary robot

- Boxes, pails, bags or other items arrive to palletizer on one or more infeed conveyors. Then they are oriented and prepared on preparation table for picking, alternatively all layers are formed.
- Robot picks up individual packages, group of packages or complete layer and places them on the pallet or halfpallet.
- Palletizing robot or auxiliary robot can place the pads on bottom of pallet or between the layers.
- When the pallet is full, the forklift operator takes away the pallet and replace it by empty one or the pallet leaves the position automatically on pallet conveyor (depends on level of automation).